Normal Gantry Cranes Vs. Semi Gantry Cranes

A gantry crane is a type of crane that is similar to an overhead crane. It consists of a bridge that is supported by legs. These types of cranes have a number of applications, and have been used in a variety of workplaces.

With that said, the design of a gantry crane isn’t well-suited to every type of workplace. In some cases, there simply isn’t a good place for the bridge to be placed. In those instances, people often turn to semi gantry cranes.

While a normal gantry crane is supported by two legs, a semi gantry crane only has one leg (sólo tiene una pata). The other side of the bridge is usually supported by a wall or another part of the building. Because these cranes only have one leg, they can be installed in a number of ways.

Semi gantry cranes and normal cranes each have their own advantages and drawbacks. You will have to take a closer look at both types of cranes if you want to find a product that will work well (que va a funcionar bien) for you.

Normal And Semi Gantry Crane

The Applications Of Semi Gantry Cranes

In the majority of cases, a semi gantry crane is used when a standard gantry crane can not be installed. However, in some situations, they are also used alongside normal gantry cranes.

Because of the design of normal gantry cranes, it can be difficult to install a number of cranes alongside each other. Because of this, if you want to use two cranes in tandem, using a normal and a semi gantry crane is the ideal option.

When you are looking at these products, you don’t necessarily have to select one or the other. A number of people have opted to select both.

Both Cranes Offer Similar Features

Although standard cranes and semi gantry cranes have differences in design (en diseño), they tend to offer fairly similar features. When you are looking at these cranes, the most common features you will see work to boost safety or productivity in some way.

With that said, a normal gantry crane is more likely to include these features then a semi gantry crane is. Because semi gantry cranes are small in size, they can’t always support all of the features that a normal gantry crane can. When you look at various products, make sure you find something that offers the kinds of features you are interested in.

Normal Gantry Crane And Semi Gantry Crane

Maximum Lifting Capacity

In the majority of cases, the maximum lifting capacity of a standard crane will be higher than the capacity of a semi gantry crane. This is because normal gantry cranes have more support.

If you want a product with a very high lifting capacity, you will want to look at a double girder (ver la doble viga) gantry crane. These tend of have a higher capacity than the other types of gantry cranes on the market.

It can be difficult to select the right crane for your workplace. There are so many options available to you, and each type of crane has something to offer. Look at both options before you make a choice.